Legal conditions

1. Institutional Data

In accordance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, June 11, regarding Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, we publish here the company’s identity details.



Registered name:

Fundación Universidad Empresa de la Región de Murcia

Registered company number (CIF):


Registered company address:

Edificio ENAE. Campus Universitario de Espinardo. 30100 MURCIA (Spain)


(+34) 968 899 899

E-mail address:


Creation details and inscription in the Foundations’ Registry:

The current Fundación Universidad Empresa de la Región de Murcia was created as a private Teaching Foundation for university and business interests, as a non-profit organisation, under the initial name of Fundación Empresa-Universidad de Murcia, on March 9, 1988, by public deed Nº 840, its Founding Letter, before the notary Antonio Yago Ortega.
On January 20, 1992, this Foundation was recognised, classified and inscribed as a Financed and Promoted Teaching Foundation under the number Mur-1-1-3-10 by order of the Ministry of Science and Education and transferred from State Administration to the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia by Royal Decree 372/1995, March 10, and was inscribed in the Foundations’ Registry with the previously mentioned inscription number.
This foundation is governed by its 1999 Statutes and by that laid down in Law 49/2002, December 23,on Tax Regime for Non Profit Organisations and tax incentives for patronage and in Law 50/2002 on Foundations. Said statutes have been modified several times in order to change the name, which was finally decided on in 1999 as Fundación Universidad Empresa de la Región de Murcia (its current name), according to Public Deed 3361 of September 24, 2002, before the notary Antonio Yago Ortega.

2. Protection of personal data

The Fundación Universidad Empresa de la Región de Murcia (FUERM) is the owner of files which contain personal data. The creation, holding and treatment of these files is necessary to carry out its activity and legitimate ends.
The FUERM, respectful of public liberties and the fundamental rights of al those people with whom it establishes relationships in the course of its activity, and especially of their honour and personal and family privacy, has a Security Document whose aim is to document the technical and organisational measures in place through which the mentioned rights and freedoms are guaranteed and protected, which details the treatment of personal data and its secure storage in files.
These files containing personal data have been declared to the Data Protection Agency (APD)
The FUERM thus complies with that which is laid down in Organic Law 15/1999, December 13, on Personal Data Protection (LOPD), and Royal Decree 994/1999, June 11, Security Regulation.
The collection and automated treatment of Personal Data is aimed at maintaining the contractual relationship that is established with the FUERM, as well as the carrying out of information, training, commercialisation (always identified as such) and other activities relevant to the company.
The user may, at any time, exercise the rights laid down in the LOPD regarding access, rectification, cancellation and opposition. The exercising of these rights can be carried out by the user on the Extranet system of this website ("User's Area"), which can be accessed through the website homepage with the username and password, in order to manage their own data and subscription to the services offered by FUERM. These rights can also be exercised within the terms that the applicable regulations stipulate.

3. Other points

A.- The webpage fuem.es DOES NOT use cookies which store data in your computer (cookies are small files that a web server can send your computer but that, in any case, do not provide personal information to the web server).
B.-–The FUERM may modify, without prior warning, the information contained on its webpage, as well as its configuration and presentation.
C.- The FUERM commits itself  via these means to not publish deceptive advertising. Therefore, to such an effect, deceptive advertising will not be considered to be formal or numerical errors that might be found throughout the content of the different sections of the FUERM web pages, produced as a consequence of an incomplete or defective maintenance and/or updating of the information contained in these sections.  Even so, the FUERM, as a consequence of what is outlined in this section, commits itself to correcting such errors as soon as it has knowledge of their existence.
D.- In accordance with what is laid down in Law 34/2002 on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services, the FUERM commits itself to not sending commercial communications without identifying them as such. To such an effect, commercial communications will not be considered to be all of the information sent to FUERM clients as long as their aim is the maintenance of the contractual relationship that exists between the client and FUERM, as well as the carrying out of information, training and other activities that are a part of the service that the client has contracted with the company, or that the user has subscribed to via the Extranet system on this website.
E.- The FUERM is not responsible for incompliance with any applicable regulation affecting the user when the user accesses the website www.fuem.es and/or when they use the information it contains.

more information

Leave us your details and we will contact you to provide you with all the information related to the master's degree, answer your questions and assist you with your application.