
ENAE achieves 5 QS stars, reinforcing its international prestige

19 de Septiembre de 2024

Con la obtención de la quinta estrella QS, ENAE se une al reducido y exclusivo grupo de 8 entidades educativas españolas con este reconocimiento.

ENAE Business School has reached a new milestone in its educational trajectory by receiving the coveted five-star rating in the QS Stars Rating System, one of the most prestigious academic evaluation systems worldwide.

This recognition places ENAE in a prominent position within the Spanish educational panorama, being one of the 8 entities in Spain that have obtained this maximum award, together with business schools and universities of international renown.

A recognition that highlights academic excellence

The QS Stars Rating System, developed by the educational consultancy Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), evaluates institutions based on different criteria, including teaching quality, graduate employability, internationalisation, infrastructure and social responsibility.

By achieving the fifth star, ENAE has demonstrated its excellence in these key areas, reaffirming its commitment to providing cutting-edge business education that responds to the demands of the globalised world.

This achievement is a reflection of both the school's high academic standards and its ability to prepare students for professional challenges in a highly competitive international environment.

According to ENAE's CEO, Miguel López, this recognition is “a testimony to the constant work of the school's team and a sign that we are on the right path to continue promoting excellence in business education”.

Benefits for ENAE students and graduates

By obtaining this distinction, current and future ENAE students will benefit from the international reputation that comes with studying at a QS-recognised institution. Not only will graduates have a degree backed by one of the world's leading rankings, but it will also open up greater career opportunities.

The five QS stars guarantee that ENAE offers an education aligned with the demands of the global business sector, backed by a modern infrastructure and a faculty of practising professionals and leading academics.

With this recognition, ENAE not only consolidates its position among the top institutions in Spain, but also underlines its leadership in business education in Europe, offering a training experience that combines innovation, academic excellence and a global approach.

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