
ENAE Business School students have finished defending their final projects.

18 de Julio de 2024
Conclusion of the Academic Year in ENAE

Conclusion of the Academic Year in ENAE

This week, ENAE Business School, a benchmark in the education of professionals, has concluded its academic year with the defence of the Final Master's Theses (TFM) of more than 250 students. These students, belonging to eight different degrees, have demonstrated their knowledge before a panel composed of teachers and employers.

Master's Degrees Presented at ENAE

The defences of the projects began last week and lasted until 18 July at the business school's facilities. Among the master's degrees presented were

Diversity of Defended Projects

In total, more than 50 projects have been defended by national and international students, covering topics such as:

  • Expansion in international markets
  • New lines of educational business
  • The creation of human resources departments
  • A marketing plan for a leading regional festival

These projects not only showcase the talent and dedication of the students, but also contribute significant value to the business fabric of the Region of Murcia. Many of these projects are subsequently materialised, generating a positive and real impact on the community.

International Participation in ENAE Business School

In addition to the national students, this academic year has seen the participation of more than a hundred Chinese students who have also successfully defended their projects. This fact extends ENAE's reach beyond Spanish borders, contributing to the specialisation of future business leaders in Asia and the rest of the world.

These achievements underline ENAE Business School ‘s commitment to academic excellence and the education of professionals capable of transforming and leading the business fabric both inside and outside the Region of Murcia.

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