Degree in Economics and Business Studies from the Autonomous University of Madrid, Diploma in Foreign Trade from the School of Economics, and Official Customs Agent certification from the Institute of Fiscal Studies of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (Spain).

He is currently the Managing Partner of Comercio Internacional Asesoramiento y Estudios in Spain and the Chairman of OOO SpainMarket in Russia. He is also an accredited consultant for the Plan de Iniciación a la Promoción Exterior (PIPE) program of the Spanish Institute for Foreign Trade (ICEX).
He has served as Partner and Director of the Foreign Trade and Internationalization Area at Analistas Financieros Internacionales, Head of the National Information Department, and Head of the Consumer Products and Services Sector at ICEX. Additionally, he was an International Economic Advisor and Director of International Trade Missions at the Official Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Madrid, and worked as a Foreign Trade Technician in France, Bolivia, and Ecuador.
In the academic field, he has collaborated with various educational and business institutions by delivering courses, seminars, and workshops related to Foreign Trade, International Finance, and Business Internationalization. Notable institutions include the Center for Commercial Studies (CECO-ICEX), the Euroforum-El Escorial University Institute, the Institute of Stock Market Studies (IEB), ICADE, CESMA, the Chamber of Commerce of Madrid, the Genoma España Foundation, the University of Havana (Cuba), the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (Peru), Diego Portales University (Chile), and the Autonomous University of Madrid.