
Demand for Logistics Professionals


Director del Máster en Logística y Dirección de Operaciones de ENAE Business School, ha dirigido durante más de 10 años los programas en logística y dirección de operaciones de ENAE.

Trayectoria profesional de más de 20 años de experiencia en Control de Operaciones y Logística, en la actualidad es Director de Operaciones de Juver Alimentación, S.L.U.


Increasing demand for logistics professionals

Globalisation and digitalisation have significantly increased the demand for logistics professionals. However, training in this field remains among the least popular among graduate students, despite its high employability.

Shortage of talent in the logistics sector

In this context, the logistics sector is facing a talent shortage, with low-skilled professionals deficient in digital skills. It is also characterised by an ageing workforce and a lack of generational turnover, which exacerbates the difficulties companies face in filling vacancies specialising in operations logistics.

Specialised logistics training

Educational institutions such as ENAE International Business School have identified this need and have been pioneers in developing specialised programmes in logistics management. According to an article in El País, these initiatives have received strong support from the business community, demonstrating the value of training and the capacity of private institutions to adapt quickly to the demands of today's labour market.

Evolution of the professional profile in logistics

Traditionally, professionals in the sector used to come from branches such as Business or Industrial Organisation Engineering, where they received training in business process management. However, with the increasing globalisation of trade and the increase in international transit of goods, companies now demand more specific skills in logistics and transport.

This change has prompted the creation of educational programmes ranging from e-commerce to advanced data management. These programmes prepare students to meet the sector's most current challenges, responding to the demand for advanced digital skills that organisations are looking for in today's professionals.

Salary prospects and career opportunities

Recent data shows that professionals in maritime, land and air transport services enjoy competitive salaries, with averages exceeding €35,000 per year. This puts workers in the logistics sector on a par with traditionally superior fields such as IT or medicine, according to the newspaper El País.

Importance of specialised training

The continuous growth of the transport and logistics sector underlines the critical importance of specialised training. Both public and private educational institutions are responding to this demand with innovative programmes that prepare the sector's future leaders to face global challenges and take advantage of emerging opportunities.

With near 100% employability and competitive salaries, these programmes not only benefit students, but also strengthen the regional economy by meeting the need for specialised talent in an increasingly competitive and globalised labour market.

ENAE Business School Master's Degree in Logistics and Operations Management

ENAE's Master's Degree in Logistics and Operations Management offers a cross-disciplinary approach that prepares students for a variety of roles in the field. From head of logistics to operations manager to consultant, analyst or transport manager.

The postgraduate degree in logistics management addresses all the key issues to master supply chain management, procurement and purchasing management. In addition, students will be able to delve into the characteristics of national and international transport while understanding finance and cost control.

This specialised knowledge not only increases the employability of graduates, but also contributes to their ability to innovate and lead in a constantly changing business environment.

In addition, this Master's in Logistics is also taught in Chinese. A unique postgraduate course in Spain and very limited in Europe. This offers the opportunity to train at ENAE without language being a barrier to access, maintaining quality and academic excellence and providing the opportunity to get to know a new country and its culture while specialising in an area with great professional prospects.

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