
Global Executive MBA: ENAE's perfect postgraduate programme for managers and entrepreneurs makes the Forbes List


ENAE Business School has been included in the prestigious Forbes List of the best business school programmes in Spain in 2024.

In Spain there are more than a hundred business schools offering master's degrees, courses or other specialised education for professionals. Standing out in such a crowded environment is a priceless achievement, but ENAE Business School has achieved it by entering the Forbes List of the best programmes in Spain. 
In this way, the Murcian business school has been recognised in the prestigious Forbes ranking, consolidating its position as a benchmark in the education of leaders. This distinction not only reflects its commitment to academic excellence, but also its dedication to preparing its students to face the challenges of the global business world. 

What does it mean to be ranked by Forbes?

Being included in the Forbes ranking is no easy task. This ranking evaluates the best business schools at a national level, considering different indicators such as the price of the programme, number of scholarships awarded, academic offer, faculty qualifications, collaboration projects with the business world, employability of graduates, level of internationalisation of the entity or quality recognitions. 
Therefore, the inclusion of ENAE Business School in this list is a testimony to the quality and impact of its educational programmes. This recognition means much more than an endorsement for the school, it is the reward for the daily efforts of the ENAE community, which works tirelessly to contribute to the development of professionals within and outside the region. 


Accessibility to the programme

This is the first criterion established by the Forbes List and evaluates aspects such as price, scholarships granted per programme, financing facilities or the language in which the education is given. 
ENAE can boast of standing out in terms of accessibility, as it has an extensive programme of grants for education. The school has scholarships for self-employed, entrepreneurs, unemployed, international students,...you can consult HERE all the options. 
In addition, the ENAE school offers education in Spanish but also has programmes taught entirely in English, Master in International Trade; or in Chinese, such as the Master in Logistics. 

Educational offer and quality of teaching

One of the key reasons why ENAE Business School has been recognised by Forbes is its wide range of academic offerings, including official and in-house master's degrees, executive programmes and specialised courses. In addition, its constant innovation in teaching methods combining theory and practice prepares its students for the real world. 
In this sense, most of ENAE' s professors have extensive experience in the business world, occupying relevant positions in large companies and international organisations. In this way, they can offer a unique and up-to-date perspective in their teaching. 
The Forbes List also values the flexibility of the teaching modality. ENAE offers face-to-face, blended and live classes so that students can choose the one that best suits their needs. In addition, classes are always taught synchronously and students have access to recordings. 

Research and Innovation 

The Forbes list considers aspects such as research and innovation fundamental to the success of business schools. For this reason, it gives great weight to those institutions that have collaboration projects between the educational entity and companies, as well as if they have centres of excellence. 
Once again, ENAE Business School can boast of being an outstanding student in this respect, as its relations with companies in the region are constant. The school considers this to be a differential and crucial value for the development of organisations and talent. 
Likewise, the Murcian school is implementing the centres of excellence as a resource for academic development and research in different areas of knowledge. In this way, the participation of teaching staff in activities other than teaching, such as consultancies, applied research programmes or professional development programmes, is promoted. 

Impact on Employability

One of the greatest advantages of studying at ENAE Business School is its solid network of contacts in the business world. Collaboration with numerous companies and organisations makes it easier for students to access job opportunities. The Job Portal provides exclusive offers for the school's students, while networking events and specialised workshops are organised at the same time. 

Proof of the impact of its education is reflected in the success of its graduates. Many of its alumni hold leadership positions in multinational companies, innovative start-ups and public bodies. Their achievements are a reflection of the academic rigour and practical preparation they receive at ENAE Business School. 


Internationalization of the School

ENAE Business School has gone beyond the borders of the Region of Murcia, reaching Latin America and the Asian continent. Every year, the Murcian school receives students from all over the world through partial or complete stays. This year, more than 150 Chinese students have graduated in foreign trade, logistics and risk management. 
ENAE is present all over the world and its strategic plan Horizon 40 is a reflection of its ambition to reach all corners of the world with accessible and quality education for professionals. In this sense, the Forbes list recognises the effort to organise events with other institutions, faculty and international students. 

Commitment to excellence

The last of the issues that Forbes evaluates are national and international quality recognitions. In this sense, ENAE can boast numerous seals such as AENOR, ISO-EN-UNE 9001:2000; it is a member of AACSB International, CLADEA or EFMD. 
In addition, its programmes have been recognised globally by prestigious entities such as QS or El Mundo, as well as being on the Forbes List. The Master in International Trade is the second best in Spain in its category and the Global Executive MBA has been ranked in the top 6. 

In short, being recognised by Forbes, QS or El Mundo is an honour that inspires ENAE to continue growing and improving. This achievement reflects ENAE's dedication to educational excellence and the success of its programmes.

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